Thursday, August 1, 2013

He Went Out For Milk and Came Home With a Puppy...

I have a $256.93 balance on my Discover card. I intend on cancelling my card next month after it's paid off. Why give money to a company that publicly degrades men? This woman asked her husband to pay the bill, and he forgot? Wow-the horror. What a stupid man and horrible husband, right? If that is not bad enough, he came home with a puppy last week instead of a milk run? 

Doesn't that go against EVERY single sitcom and family movie, when the kids find a stray dog and look at their father at the dinner table and ask, "Dad, can we keep him"?

Stupid man-you can't follow directions, you are financially irresponsible, and you don't know the difference between milk and a puppy.


  1. Wow - I just watched that stupid commercial, and came online to see if I was the only one to feel this way. My FIRST search on 'idiot husband commercial' brought me to this blog!

    1. haha-great minds think alike, Robert! Feel free to share any commercials that bother you and I'm happy to highlight. Thanks for checking out my blog!

  2. I found this blog by accident. I wanted to make a point how Advertisers are humiliating the father figure to sell more to the boss of the house, and I landed here. I'm thinking that you need to name it "The Adventures of Stupid Dad"

    1. You're absolutely right. However, it's interesting when you actually talk to women. Most women completely appreciate and respect the men in their lives, but still think it's appropriate to poke fun of them within the media? I don't get it. Thanks for the comment, though! I love accident landings....

  3. I was just searching online, too, for commercials that insult Dads after watching the Valspar Paint commercial that shows a Dad who's so stupid that Mom needs to ask him if he fed the kids while she is away on a business trip. He did, but he demolished the kitchen in the process. I am so sick and tired of being insulted. Society is forcing men into this gender neutrality, and then acting as if we are too stupid to do the work.

  4. LeftyF, what I find to be SO interesting, is that men today are not only capable in the kitchen, many are exceptional cooks! I can only compare to my nucleus of friends, but the guys can for sure throw down in the kitchen more than us gals. I do appreciate that they showed the man in the Father role, while the woman is away on business (which goes against the traditional stereotypes of work-life roles), but as more women are kicking butt in the corporate world, men ARE kicking butt at home. That needs to be praised, not mocked. Thanks for your comment!

  5. Rachel A Reed. Wow you. Honestly to me are a Guru for standing up and pointing this out. I seriously thought i was alone in this world when it came to this topic. I love Women i truly do I was raised by my mother alone so no matter what happens i will always have the upmost respect for you galls. But something is very very wrong with what the media is portraying us to be and I just can't ignore it. Why? Because its wrong very wrong. I plan on having kids and i don't want my son to b growing up in a world where he feels like he is an idiot or an incompetent fool. I want to do as much as possible to raise awareness of this no matter what it takes. So again thank you for being strong and bold and standing up against bullshit.

    1. Joe! Thanks so much for your kind comment! Not sure I am a "guru", but I am incredibly passionate about this topic and I'm glad you feel the same way. (I obviously need to post more considering it's been over a year)!
