Monday, July 18, 2011

Candy Bar. Really?

Not everyone enjoys eating "fiber", which is why there are countless products on the market that make it as easy as possible. Colorless powders, pills, and powerbars do their best to 'appeal' to the many of us that simply do not get enough fiber. I don't know how many grams of fiber are recommended a day,but I know for a fact I don't get enough. That said...I for SURE know the difference between a candy bar and 'fiber bar'. The stupid man featured in the commercial below apparently does not.

Stupid man...since when are "candy bars" made of granola or grains? I bet his wife has to add chocolate to his milk in order for him to drink it? Why-because all men are like little kids and, well, stupid.


  1. Fiber One ARE candy bars. So clogged with sugar, you offset the alleged "benefits" of fiber by a few orders of magnitude.

  2. Hey there - I found your blog when I was looking for videos of stupid dad commercials because I am writing a blog post about it. Great blog! Here is another commercial for you (didn't see this one on your blog) but maybe I just missed it -

  3. Hi Rachel,

    I too found your blog while getting mine set up for a similar vein of commercial rhetoric: the notion of things in commercials that are supposed to be coming off serious but still don't make sense. In my mind, the concept of the Stupid Man Commercials usually fall square into this vein, but rather than go into length about them on my own when you already do such an amusing job at it, I instead linked to your blog here in that posting. If so interested, you can see them over at:

    Keep up the good work!
    -Ryan L.

  4. I'm noticing another theme embedded in these kinds of commercials lately. The woman, as in the Fiber One ad, is portrayed as the adult in the relationship. Here's she's responsible for seeing to his health through providing nutritious food. The trick though is to manage to get the manchild to eat his vegetables by secreting them inside something that tastes so yummy.
