Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank you Matthew, (one of the blog's followers), for submitting the link to this commercial.

First-can someone please confirm that this video was uploaded by a certified Windows staff/employee/agency? Here is the description for the video,
"Mom wants the perfect family portrait. But some kid (or husband) always messes it up. So... to the Cloud! Where Windows 7 and Windows Live lets her mix and match her family's best faces until she's able to piece together a photo she's proud to share."

Mom 'wants a perfect family portrait' implies that Dad doesn't give a damn. Why would he though, right? Isn't Dad just one of the kids? Does Dad actually care about how he looks? Dads are lazy and lack style, by definition.

There was nothing that stressed me out more than Picture Day at school. Weeeeeell, I guess the day I learned how to graph parabolas was pretty intimidating, too. What the heck is a parabola, anyway? When I was younger, my Mom would lay out what she thought I ought to wear for the big day. These looks obviously changed over the years. From knitted sweaters and stirrup pants to sundresses with jelly sandals-I always seemed to look horrible. I just did. I remember my second grade picture when my Dad did my hair. Anyone remember those hard plastic headbands? You know, the kind with the 'teeth' that would dig into your scalp? My dad showed me how to do my hair with one of those headbands. "Okay Rachel, push the headband back, then move it forward just a little to give yourself a bit of volume in the front". I hated him for it that day, but I am thankful for it now. Why? Because he cared. He cared how I looked, and he cared how others viewed me. He was NOT the kind of dad that sat on the couch, dumbfounded, like the dad in this commercial...hanging his head in shame.

My dad was not a hair stylist, but he was (is) a cool guy. He sported J.Crew and Structure (now known as Express for Men), when other dads were wearing tapered jeans and super white tennis shoes. I turned to him for fashion advice before I turned to my Mom (even though she's pretty cool, too) or even my friends. My dad was my stylist-for better or for worse. Despite his hard efforts, however, I was always first in line for "re-take" day. Even cool dads can't cure the awkward years of puberty, braces, glasses, and pimples. (sigh...)

I'd like to ask Windows why they were compelled to portray the mom as being computer/technology savvy and the dad as being an immature and indifferent moron. They could have easily made it a collaborative effort with both parents, right? "Honey, I love our family but let's try to create a picture we can send to Grandma this year". Windows decided to group the dad with the kids-one of the boys stuck an action figure in the other's ear,while the daughter was busy texting on her cell phone. Dad is portrayed as being part of the problem in the picture, while mom offers a solution. Copy/cut/paste the perfect family-way to go, mom!

"Windows gives me the family, nature never could", she comments. What does that family look like, Windows?

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